Meet Malcolm

Meet Malcolm Pope, a 75-year-old with a laryngectomy who is sharing his story of how Atos Care has helped him to live a better life after his surgery.


Life before surgery

Meet Malcolm! “My name is Malcolm Pope and I am 75 years old. I was diagnosed with laryngeal cancer in 2018 and had a course of radiotherapy in the following year. All appeared to be going well until a checkup in October revealed a suspicious mass. The cancer had returned. My consultant advised that a laryngectomy should be done and explained the procedure to me.
My initial reaction was I was not having that! The consultant asked me what my objections were. I told him that I wouldn’t be able to speak and I said that I liked to go motor racing at Goodwood. He said that both would be possible and that I would be able to live a good life.

I had the operation at the end of January 2019 and I am pleased to say my consultant was right. I was in the hospital for 10 days.

Malcolm sat on a sofa wearing a red jumper and Provox Life Energy HME.

Life after surgery

I did go to Goodwood in April and many other places too. I have received excellent care and support from both the hospital and Atos Care and our local laryngectomy group continues to do so.

We have a monthly support group where we meet and socialise. New patients are welcome and our group is growing. I have now been asked to speak to patients who are waiting for operations. Before Covid, we were doing this face to face but we did this online for a while. I really enjoy doing this and hope that I am giving back something as I found this really helpful in the beginning.

I was recently approached by my G.P. to speak to medical students on placement and now by Speach and Language Dept to speak to their students. I lead a busy and normal life and have recently started to play walking football sponsored by The Robins Foundation at Bristol City Football Club.”

Disclaimer: The testimonials relate to how one individual has experienced the use of Provox Life™ products and not every person will get the same results. Atos Medical AB does not suggest, imply or make any claims other than those detailed in the product manual.